effective protein model selection using a structure-based energy function resistant to blunders

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Submission Name:
(optional)-This identifier is used in the subject line of the results email.
-If no name is provided, the generic name 'SELECTproJob' is used.


Protein Sequence:

-Submit plain sequence only; whitespace is ignored.
-Maximum acceptable protein length is 1000 amino acids.

Models File:
(required) -SELECTpro will score 1 to 100 models in single .pdb file
-Models must have backbone (N,CA,C) coordinates for all residues
-Inidividual models must be seperated by MODEL identifier line (example models file)


A. Randall, P. Baldi. SELECTpro: effective protein model selection using a structure-based energy function resistant to BLUNDERS. BMC Structural Biology, 8, 52, 2008. [PDF]

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Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics
School of Information & Computer Science
University of California Irvine